Dave knows that drumming
instructors can benefit from material to help
motivate and educate students. The Dave Weckl Online
School can be an amazing addition to your
arsenal - and it could cost little or nothing for you to
What is the Dave Weckl Online School?
The Dave Weckl Online
School is a subscriber-based Web site with more than 30
hours of instructional material so far. Subscribers pay
$30/month for access.
The school features full
courses in ergonomic drum setup, drum tuning, hand and
foot technique, groove/swing playing, live performance,
production, and plenty more.
The school also features several play along packages
including mixes without drums, a chart, and a video of
Dave performing the tunes. All of this is great
material to work on with your students!
The school is also an interactive community. Dave has a
private Facebook group that you and your students can be
added to once they subscribe. Every day, Dave answers
questions and watches/comments on videos posted by
Overall, the content and production is exactly what you
would expect from Dave Weckl.
What is the Affiliate
The affiliate program is
designed to offer valuable benefits to drum teachers and
a reduced rate.
You get a $2 per month
credit for
each student enrolled under you.
After you are accepted into the program, we'll give you a special link that you can distribute to
students. When students use the link to enroll in Dave's
school, it will register in your account. You will also
be given admin priviledges to track students and income
you are receiving.
How Do I Get Started?
It's easy to get started:
1. Click
here to sign up for the Dave Weckl
Online School. You must be a subscriber to become an
affiliate. If you are already a subscriber, skip to step
2. Fill out the form, below, to be considered for the
program. To be accepted, you must provide some form of
proof that you are a teacher with students, including
either a web site or social media pages that show this.
If you do not have a web site or social media pages, we
will contact you for more information.
3. Once accepted, we will contact you with more